Building a Restaurant Menu
In this episode Chef Blake and Michael share how they built a menu to bring true Southwestern Mexican flavors, reminiscent of Michael's years in Arizona, to a Pensacola Taco Restaurant.
Find out:
How to run a reliable taste test
How to create processes to train staff on a new menu
AND....what caused Michael to take a spontaneous road trip to Texas for queso!

Overcoming High Food Costs
The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, sits down with Greg Hazzard, a long time restaurant entrepreneur who is specialized in keeping restaurant financials is top condition.
Today Greg is sharing practical advice on how you can reduce food costs in your restaurant. Greg discusses:
Monitoring Food Waste
Manager and Employee Meals
Portion Control
Accurate Inventory

I Want to Sell My Restaurant. Now What?
When you have decided that you would like to sell your restaurant business it can be daunting to know how to begin the process and what information will be most important to a buyer.
Today on The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, walks you through the documents you should prepare and give to your restaurant or business broker. Being prepared with the right data can get the right buyer exactly what they need to make a decision and avoid delays and lost deals.

Redesigning a Second Generation Kitchen
As a restaurant operator moving into a space that has previously been a restaurant can save a lot of cash, but it comes with it's own considerations as you redesign the kitchen to meet your needs.
Catch today's podcast where host, Michael Carro, is joined by Don Theiot of Kesco, Kitchen Equipment & Supply Co. Don details how to update an existing restaurant kitchen and create a functional redesign for your restaurant.

Navigating a Restaurant Lease Renewal as a Landlord/Broker
On today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, explains special lease details to consider as you re-sign a long-term restaurant tenant.
He walks you through a conversation he recently had with a friend who wanted advice on how to retain a great restaurant tenant and put himself in a position to sell the building as a NNN investment may be possible in the future.
If your goal has changed from “long-term hold” to considering selling a leased property as a NNN investment here are a few tips from today’s episode:

Setting Up a Bar Program
Chef Blake is Owner and Head Chef of Union Public House in Downtown Pensacola, FL. In this episode Chef Blake is sharing what makes a great bar program, how his bar team crafts custom cocktails, and what a well-designed bar program can mean for a restaurants' bottom line.
Find out more about Chef Blake and Union Public House at unionpensacola.com.

Lessons From My First Commercial Real Estate Investment
On today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, dives into details about his first commercial real estate investment.
He shares the mistake that led to him needing to find his first commercial investment in a hurry, and the lessons he learned in developing this property to producing over a 300% return on investment (ROI).

Negotiating a Letter of Intent (LOI) as a Tenant
On today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, explains how to negotiate a Letter of Intent (LOI) for a restaurant tenant.
He walks you through the different portions of a Letter of Intent and the special considerations a restaurant user should keep in mind. Clear negotiations in the LOI stage allows for you to get what you need most as you move forward and sign the lease.

Restaurant Kitchen Design
There's lots of questions that have to be asked on our part as far as trying to help the customer to understand what he's about to encounter in his journey towards becoming a successful restaurant. First of all, we asked him, is there an existing building? Or is this new structure?

Food Halls and You
On today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, is joined by Food Hall Expert, Andy Simpson with Hospitality Design and Development.
They discuss what is important to evaluate as you look at food hall opportunities and how to know it would be a good fit for your restaurant concept.

Rapid Fire Food Hall Questions
On today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, is joined by a first-time guest and Food Hall Expert, Andy Simpson with Hospitality Design and Development. Andy answers common questions like what type of lease structure to expect, how rent is calculated, and how POS systems work within a food hall environment.

Designing Custom Signs
On today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, is joined by a first-time guest, Tom Poe. Tom designs signs at Brix Design Inc. in Downtown Pensacola. He discusses different types of signs and breaks down the sign design process.
Interview Below: